Remote Learning Arrangements


Home learning if a bubble or school is closed/ goes into lockdown:

If a bubble closes or school enters a lockdown, it is important that pupils continue their learning at home. Therefore, class teachers will share pupils’ work which they can complete whilst they are at home via Tapestry (Nursery and Reception) and Google Classroom (Years 1, 2, 3 and 4).

Nursery and Reception:

On Tapestry there will be:

-          Play based activities to try at home with an adult. These may be linked to phonics, early number recognition etc.

Parent/carers will need to log on to Tapestry to view these activities. Photos and comments of the pupils completing the activities can be shared on Tapestry for the class teacher to view.

Pupils in Years 1, 2, 3 and 4

On Google Classroom there will be:

-          A daily maths activity (E.g. White Rose video lesson, Numbots or TimesTable Rockstars challenge)

-          A daily English activity  (Phonics, reading, spellings)

-          A weekly science activity linked to the half term topic

-          Ideas for topic related activities e.g. a topic grid for children to choose activities from.


Pupils, with the help of the adults at home, will need to log on to their year group Google Classroom to access their learning. Once they have completed any of the activities, click ‘mark as done’ as this will let the class teacher know that it has been completed. Teachers will then look at any work/comments which are shared and uploaded onto Google Classroom with them and write a reply in the comment box.


Usernames and Passwords for logging on to Tapestry and Google Classroom have been sent home and pupils in Years 1-4 should already be accessing their weekly homework activities on these. If you have any difficulty logging on to Tapestry or Google Classroom/School 360, please contact the school office via email and we can arrange support for this.

Arrangements for children who do not have access to technology:

Please conatct the school office immediately if your child does not have access to a suiable device for accessing Google Classroom.